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Keramisk Universalblade (Afrundet Spids)

SKU #10524

Slice® 10524 Keramiske Universalblade er ideelle til brug sammen med vores 10490- og 10491-arbejdsknive med metalhåndtag. Vores 10524-knivblade, der er fremstillet af avanceret keramik, er gnistfrie, umagnetiske, kemiske inaktive, har ingen oliebelægning og ruster aldrig. Bestående af 100 procent zirkoniumdioxid og udstyret med et fast, finger-friendly® design, giver disse knivblade egenskaben til at håndtere hårde materialer og på samme tidspunkt bevare den overlegne slidstyrke. Faktum er også, at knivbladene holder op til 11 gange længere end sammenlignelige stålblade. I øvrigt hjælper knivbladenes proprietære sikkerhedskant med at reducere skader og sænker følgelig dine omkostninger.

  • Bladtype: Afrundet spids
  • Sikrere end traditionelle knivblade
  • Finger-friendly® kant skærer effektivt
  • Holder op til 11.2x længere end metalblade
  • Færre bladskift = færre skader
  • Reducerer skader, sænker omkostninger
  • Gnistfri, ikke-ledende, umagnetisk
  • Kemisk inaktiv; ruster aldrig
  • Olie- og smørelsesfri
  • Kræver ingen beholder til afskaffelse af skarpe genstande
  • 100 procent genbrugelig
  • Knivblad er sikkert fra -40°C til 1600°C
  • Kompatible håndtag: 10479, 10490, 10491, 10493, 10496, 10497, 10582, 10590, 10594
  • 2 dobbeltsidet knivblade per pakke
  • SKU #10524

Product Specifications

Cutting Depth:

Material: zirconium oxide

Dimensions: L 2,43 tommer x W0,74 tommer x H0,03 tommer

Weight: 0.04 lb

Sell Sheet


What Can I Use Ceramic Utility Blades For?

Use these blades for the same applications as you would use a regular utility blade, and more. The properties of advanced ceramics ensure that your blade is non-sparking, chemically inert, autoclave-friendly, and never rusts.

Slice®’s thicker, more durable ceramic blades do not flex in the same way as metal, so they’re not ideal for any application that exerts a side load or requires the blade to bend. But typical uses, such as hand trimming solder from metal parts or plastic flash from injection-molded products are just as easy—and much safer—with Slice utility blades.

What’s the Advantage of Ceramic Blades?

Until recently, utility blade types included only steel. The sole customizable option was to choose a different handle. Slice added ceramics to the market. Since then, other companies have started manufacturing ceramic utility blades, but none offer Slice’s finger-friendly® safety edge.

For that reason, the best utility blades to reduce hand and finger injuries are Slice blades. Our proprietary grind creates an edge that cuts materials effectively and is safe to the touch. Slice blades also hold their cutting edge, on average, 11.2 times longer than steel. This means fewer blade replacements and therefore fewer opportunities for injury.

Other advantages of advanced ceramics come from the properties of our ceramic material. Zirconium oxide is chemically inert, non-sparking and non-magnetic. It can be heated up to 1600 degrees Celsius and requires no special oil or lubricant coating to maintain sharpness.

Does Slice Make a Ceramic Utility Knife?

Yes! We make a whole line of utility knives with different blade retraction options, including manual retraction (with multiple fixed-position cutting depth options), auto-retractable, and smart-retracting handles. Each ceramic utility knife offers different choices to account for personal preferences and varying safety regulations.

What Handles Will This Utility Blade Fit?

The trapezoidal utility blades that Slice makes (that is, the 10523, 10524, 10525 series) are all compatible with our metal-handle utility knives. These knives include the 10490 Manual Metal-Handle Utility Knife and the 10491 Auto-Retractable Metal-Handle Utility Knife. Both these knives are ambidextrous and feature a large, sturdy handle. The manual version locks in place, offering three preset cutting depths, while the auto-retractable version retracts on its own, as soon as the user releases the slider.