Manuel Box Cutter
SKU #10400
Slice® Box Cutter revolutionerede sikkerhed med dens innovative sikkerhedsknivblad og ergonomiske håndtag. Slice 10400-håndtaget vrider sig rundt om dine fingre, beskytter dig mod diverse skader mens den forsikrer en skæringsvinkel, der formindsker unødig belastning af din hånd samt håndled. Denne Box Cutter er designet til at have en begrænset skæringsdybde: dette minimere et eksponeret knivblad, beskytter dig og indholdet af dine pakker. Vores patentanmeldte keramiske sikkerhedsknivblad er fremstillet med en kant, der er langt sikrere end traditionelle knivblade, uanset om de er metal eller keramik. Desuden holder Slice-knivblade op til 11 gange længere end metalblade. De er olie- og smørelsesfri, kræver ingen vedligeholdelse og ruster aldrig.
- Installeret bladtype: afrundet spids #10404
- Holdbart nylonhåndtag med en beskyttende ergonomisk form
- Manuel tilbagetrækning med to skærepositioner
- Ligehåndet design
- Hul til Lanyard
- Finger-friendly® knivblad skærer effektivt
- Reducerer skader, sænker omkostninger
- Gnistfri, ikke-ledende, umagnetisk knivblad
- Kemisk inaktivt knivblad, der aldrig ruster
- Olie- og smørelsefrit knivblad
- 100 procent zirconiumoxid knivblad
- Kant på knivblad holder op til 11.2x længere end metal
- Færre bladudskift = færre skader
- Kompatible knivblade: 10404, 10408
- Værktøjsfrit bladskift
- SKU #10400
Great for:
- Opening boxes and packaging
- Box disassembling
- Cutting tape, shrink wrap and plastic film
- Users with dexterity issues such as arthritic hands
Product Specifications
Product Specifications
Cutting Depth:
Material: TPEE, GFN, POM, carbon steel, zirconium oxide
Dimensions: L
Weight: 0.24 lb x W x H

What Customers Are Saying
Bought these for our employees to use instead of regular metal blade utility knives because they are dangerous. Thought I would have to take the other knives away to get them to use them, but once they found out how easier they open boxes, now it's the only box cutter they use!
L. Brandon
For anyone with arthritic hands this is a lifesaver. I get a lot of packages due to my business. I have very bad arthritis and this has saved me. So easy to use and opens boxes like a dream. I cannot recommend this product enough.
Barbara R.
My new favorite gift to give! With all the boxes that get shipped to our home, I will as always looking for something to open them with. The Slice Manual Box Cutter is the best! It is comfortable in my hand and cuts like going through butter. My new favorite gift to give friends.
Nichole B.
Breaking Down Boxes Quickly and Safely With Slice
How to Replace the Blade
What Is a Safety Box Cutter?
How Do I Use the Slice Manual Box Cutter?
What Materials Can the Slice Knife Open?
How Do I Replace the Blade?
How Long Does the Blade Last? Is it Breakable?
Besides our blades lasting an average of 11.2 times longer than steel, our ceramic blades are non-conductive, non-magnetic, and non-sparking. They’re also chemically inert so they’ll never rust. Not only that, but Slice blades are oil and lubricant-free. When you buy a Slice box cutter, you’re making a purchase that’s built to last.