Scrape Your Art, Not Your Paper
Slice Tools Used for Colored Pencil Art
Slice finger-friendly® blades are safe to the touch and protect your paper while you scrape. Experiment and find out which edge gives you the effect you’re looking for. And keep creating for years: our tools last 11x longer than traditional blades!
Pen Cutter & Slim Cutter
• Manual Pen Cutter, SKU # 10513
• Manual Slim Cutter, SKU # 10476
Both these tools use the same blade: Box Cutter Blades (Rounded Tip), SKU # 10404.
The Manual Slim Cutter has two advantages: the blade extends further, and the slim handle gives greater visibility of the blade while working with the tool. -
Craft Knives
• Craft Knife, SKU # 10548
• Craft Knife With Safety Cap, SKU # 10589
Both tools come with the same blade installed: Craft Blades (Straight Edge, Rounded Tip), SKU # 10518, and are also compatible with the Pointed Tip option (SKU # 10519)
The advantage of the Craft Knife With Safety Cap is the safety cap can never be lost as it's attached to the handle, which keeps your workspace more organized.
What Colored Pencil Artists Are Saying
Slice tools work remarkably well for coloured pencil work.
Hannah Osbourne
Slice tools are an excellent tool for adding details to colored pencil art of all types.
Carrie Lewis
I love my slice manual pen cutter and i can honestly say it’s completely changed my art for the better: i use my slice tool to create fur on animals, and it is amazing for creating tiny details for realistic portraits such as whiskers: i can’t create my art without this tool!
Eleanor Harper
Made with Slice
Whether you want to create hair, fur, or whiskers, Slice tools help you create amazing lifelike art.
What Colored Pencil Artists Are Saying
I loooove the slice, it works so well. I use it to make fine lines/remove colour and also make broader lighter strokes to soften/almost use as an eraser.
Joanna Ridley
I have been using a Slice set I purchased almost a year ago! I love this product. I do colored pencil portraits. I use Strathmore 400 Series and once I removed a whole section of color. I have never had any tears.
Sandy Anderson
Slice is absolutely perfect for colored pencil work! I love how it gently creates highlights by removing color & lifting off mistakes! I'm new to colored pencil and this is definitely a key tool to have!
Katie Perry