ミニカッター 刃先調整固定式
SKU #10515
Slice® 10515 ミニカッター 刃先調整固定式は、様々な用途にお使いいただける便利なツールです。業務作業だけでなくご家庭でも活用いただけます。10515 ミニカッター 刃先調整固定式の持ち手には、マグネットが内蔵されていて、すぐに使えるようにホワイトボードや冷蔵庫にくっつけておくことができます。このミニカッターには、10404 セラミック替刃(ラウンド刃先)が付属しています。セラミック替刃はSlice社独自のfinger friendly®(指にやさしい)刃(特許出願中)で、触っても指が切れず、安心してお使いいただけます。用途に応じ、10408 セラミック替刃(鋭角刃先)に交換してご使用いただけます。この便利なマルチツールは、左利きの方にも右利きの方にもお使いいただけるよう設計されています。Slice社のセラミック安全刃は、従来の金属刃に比べて11倍長持ちし、錆びることもありません。
- 付属している刃の種類:セラミック替刃(ラウンド刃先)
- マグネット内蔵の持ち手
- 左右両利きに対応するデザイン:刃を逆側のスロットに入れて簡単チェンジ
- finger-friendly®(指にやさしい)刃で効率よく裁断
- ケガの軽減、コストの削減
- 非発火性、非電導性、非磁性の刃
- 化学的不活性の刃、錆びない
- オイルや潤滑油が不要な刃
- 酸化ジルコニウム(100%)製の刃
- 刃先は金属刃に比べ耐摩耗性が11.2倍
- 刃の交換回数が減る=怪我が減る
- 適合する替刃:10404、10408
- 刃の交換に工具不要
- SKU #10515
Great for:
- Opening cardboard boxes and packages
- Slicing food packaging
- Cutting through clamshell packaging
- Using on-the-go
Product Specifications
Product Specifications
Cutting Depth:
Material: ABS, POM, NdFeB magnet, zirconium oxide
Dimensions: L
Weight: 0.04 lb x W x H

What Customers Are Saying
When I first got this in my stocking, I was like, "WTF?" but my friend who bought it for me assured me I would love it. Well, it has turned out to be the most useful thing in the world. I love it and use it all the time. Makes opening any kind of package really easy, even those annoying hermetically sealed plastic ones. I bought one for my Mom and she was like, "WTH?" but she just told me, "I use it all the time!" Get one!
Denise Rodriguez
I wasn’t convinced that my guys would like these in my shipping department the first time I was referred to this brand but boy was I wrong. My team was so excited to receive new equipment but we trialed a bunch of options first. At home I absolutely love having some convenient and small to safely assist me with opening boxes. Totally worth it! They have so much to offer and multi-purpose uses! So not only at home was this a safer option than me just reaching for a kitchen cutlery block knife but at work it lowered our cut and laceration incidents (we also have appropriate cut resistant gloves implemented), but it also increased our safety culture with awareness and confidence in safer / newer options brought to the workforce!
Emma F.
My brother had one of these at our Holiday get-together to open gifts and I had to buy one for myself. Love this box cutter! It is magnetic so stays right on our fridge where we can always easily access it (and hopefully never lose it). My brother said he hasn't replaced the blade in forever and it is still sharp. I know he uses it frequently since they get daily amazon deliveries!
Slice Mini Cutter
Mini Cutter Blade Replacement