다용도 칼날 (곧은 날, 둥근 칼끝)
SKU #10518
The Slice® 10518 다용도 칼날 저희의 다용도 칼날용 핸들 및 메스용 핸들과 호환되며 finger-friendly® 절단날로 안정감있고 디테일한 커팅을 보장합니다. 일반적인 금속이나 세라믹 다용도 칼날과는 다르게, 저희의 곧고 둥근 칼끝을 가진 칼날은 특별히 고안된 안전 연마법을 사용합니다. 더불어 금속보다 11배까지 오래 사용 가능하며, 폐칼날 박스도 필요하지 않고, 재활용 가능합니다. 모든 Slice 안전 세라믹이 그러하듯, 이 날 역시 스파크를 유발하지 않고, 자성을 띠지 않으며, 화학적인 반응을 일으키지 않고, 절대 녹슬지 않습니다.
- 날 유형: 곧은 날, 둥근 칼끝
- 기존의 칼날보다 안전함
- Finger-friendly®날을 통한 효율적인 커팅
- 금속날보다 11.2배까지 오래 유지
- 적은 날 교체 = 적은 부상
- 부상 및 비용 절감
- 비 스파킹, 비전도성, 비자성
- 절대 녹슬지 않으며 화학적으로 비활성
- 오일 및 윤활유 미사용
- 폐칼날 박스 불필요
- 100% 재활용 가능
- -40°C부터 1600°C까지 안전
- 호환 가능 핸들: 10548, 10589, 10580, 10568
- 단날 칼날 4개입
- SKU #10518
Great for:
- Manipulating laboratory samples Arts and crafts
- Slicing plastics and decals
- Intricate shapes and precise cuts
Product Specifications
Product Specifications
Cutting Depth:
Material: zirconium oxide
Dimensions: L
Weight: 0.02 lb x W x H

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What Do People Use Craft Knives For?
People use craft knives for many laboratory and craft-related applications, such as precision cutting and gentle scraping. These hand-held precision tools are extremely versatile.
When it comes to craft knife blades, sizes don’t vary greatly. What sets Slice® craft blades apart is their finger-friendly® edge, which isn’t found on any other blade—neither metal nor ceramic. In addition, Slice uses an advanced ceramic material, which never rusts and does not require a special oil coating to maintain.
When it comes to craft knife blades, sizes don’t vary greatly. What sets Slice® craft blades apart is their finger-friendly® edge, which isn’t found on any other blade—neither metal nor ceramic. In addition, Slice uses an advanced ceramic material, which never rusts and does not require a special oil coating to maintain.
What Kind of Craft Knife Blades Does Slice Make?
Slice offers several different craft knife blade styles. These include: the 10518 (straight edge, rounded tip), the 10519 (straight edge, pointed tip), the 10520 (curved edge, rounded tip), the 10532 (corner stripping), the 10534 (chisel), 10535 (narrow, double-sided chisel), the 10536 (rounded-tip seam ripper), and the 10537 (pointed-tip seam ripper).
Experiment with the different shapes to discover which edge suits your needs. In all cases, the blades feature our safer edge.
Experiment with the different shapes to discover which edge suits your needs. In all cases, the blades feature our safer edge.
How Do I Replace a Slice Craft Knife Blade?
As with all our tools, Slice has designed a tool-free process to switch craft knife replacement blades. The process differs slightly for each tool. Here’s a quick rundown:
For the 10568 scalpel
Simply pull the ceramic blade out of its housing. The mechanism will automatically contract. Slide in a new blade and the grip will squeeze it, ensuring a strong hold.
For the 10548, 10589, and 10580 knives
First loosen the copper collar by twisting it counter clockwise. Then pull the blade out, replace it with a new one, and tighten the collar by twisting it clockwise.
For the 10568 scalpel
Simply pull the ceramic blade out of its housing. The mechanism will automatically contract. Slide in a new blade and the grip will squeeze it, ensuring a strong hold.
For the 10548, 10589, and 10580 knives
First loosen the copper collar by twisting it counter clockwise. Then pull the blade out, replace it with a new one, and tighten the collar by twisting it clockwise.