자동 후진식 펜형 커터
SKU #10512
Slice® 10512 펜형 커터는 Slice의 안전 박스 커터의 대안이 될 수 있는 핸들 모양을 제공합니다. 제품의 늘씬한 원통형 모양은 닿기 힘든 영역을 자르는 데 제격이며, 박스 커터 칼날과 동일한 날을 공유함으로써 동일하게 훌륭한 기능들을 제공합니다. 이 기능에는 부상을 줄여주는 Slice의 고유 기술인 finger-friendly® 날도 포함되어 있습니다. 저희 펜형 커터의 디자인은 노출되는 날의 양을 제한함으로써, 사고의 위험을 추가로 방지해줍니다. 칼날은 사용자가 고무 처리된 슬라이더 버튼을 놓으면 자동으로 칼집으로 들어가게 됩니다.
- 핸들 유형: 자동 후진식
- 핸들에 달린 고무 처리된 슬라이더 버튼
- 호환 칼날: 10404, 10408
- Finger-friendly® 날로 11배 더 날카로움을 유지
- 비 스파킹, 비전도성 칼날
- 견고한 유리 충전식 나일론 핸들
- 양손 모두를 위한 디자인
- 별다른 공구가 필요 없는 날 교체
- 목줄용 구멍으로 도구를 편리하게 보관
- 적은 날 교체 = 적은 부상
- SKU #10512
Great for:
- Opening cardboard boxes and packages
- Slicing plastic packaging and shrink wrap
- Cutting tape, card stock, vinyl stickers and fiberglass
Product Specifications
Product Specifications
Cutting Depth:
Material: ABS, GFN, POM, carbon steel, zirconium oxide
Dimensions: L
Weight: 0.08 lb x W x H

What Customers Are Saying
We have not had to replace any blades yet and some knives have been in use every day for three months already.
EHS Manager, Voith Group
This item is very sturdy and surprisingly sharp at cutting boxes and wraps. Our associates prefer this safety knife over the others because of the size and ease of use.
Chloe L., Coca-Cola Southwest Beverages
I cut boxes at work all day , stock vending machines , going back n forth to the truck , busy days , so I needed a cutter to make my job easier n this pen did it , fits in my pocket , safe on not cutting my fingers
Daniel Perez
Auto-Retractable Pen Cutter
Pen Cutter Blade Replacement
How to Cut Corrugated Plastic Sheets Using Slice Tools
How To Cut Mylar Stencils
How To Cut Painter’s Tape Using Slice Tools
How to Cut Visqueen Reinforced Plastic
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Compatible Products
What Is an Auto-Retractable Pen Cutter Used For?
The Slice pen cutter is used in much the same way as a box cutter or utility knife. It can handle materials as varied as fiberglass, clamshell packaging, and adhesive vinyl. Our auto-retractable pen cutter has a slimmer profile and different handle shape from our J-hook box cutters, so it is ideal for hard-to-reach areas that require more maneuverability.
How is This Pen Cutter Different From a Slice Safety Box Cutter?
Our pen-style auto retractable safety knife offers the same utility as the safety box cutter, even using the same replacement blades, but the handle shape is different. Although our J-Hook retractable box cutter is the recipient of a Red Dot design award, not all applications lend themselves well to this kind of handle. Sometimes you need extra reach or a smaller diameter to get to the material you’re cutting. The Slice ceramic pen cutters offer another option to get the job done.
Why Buy a Box Cutter From Slice?
In a word: safety. You’re not just buying a box cutter, you’re buying a safe box cutter. Slice rethinks every aspect of design, from the blade exposure level to how to put a blade in a box cutter. Our proprietary grind creates an edge like no other that cuts materials effectively and resists cutting skin.
Keep in mind that many of our tools fit in the category of box cutter: pen cutters, utility knives and our J-hook box cutters. Each of these styles have an auto-retractable cutter option. The Slice pen cutter (auto-retractable) can cut to a depth of 11 mm, while our utility knives make cuts up to 22.36 mm deep.
Keep in mind that many of our tools fit in the category of box cutter: pen cutters, utility knives and our J-hook box cutters. Each of these styles have an auto-retractable cutter option. The Slice pen cutter (auto-retractable) can cut to a depth of 11 mm, while our utility knives make cuts up to 22.36 mm deep.