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디버링 기구

SKU #10482

The Slice® 10482 디버링 기구는 튼튼한 디버링 기구를 찾는 고객님들의 목소리에 맞춰 만들어진 기구입니다. 산업 환경을 중점적으로 고려하여 특별히 설계된 본 제품은 금속 시트의 가장자리, 사출 성형 플라스틱, 3D 프린트 된 프로토타입 등에 제격입니다.


10482 제품은 10483 볼록형 블레이드와 함께 제공되며, 선택 사항인 10484 오목형 블레이드와 호환 가능합니다. 양쪽 선택지 모두 다양한 각도에서 작업할 수 있는 여러 기능을 포함하며, 유리 충전된 견고한 나일론 핸들에는 날을 보관할 수 있는 공간이 있어 빠르게 날을 교체해야 할 필요가 있을 때 편리하게 활용할 수 있습니다. 10482의 슬림한 핸들 모양은 또한 닿기 힘든 공간과 각도 역시 수월하게 처리할 수 있도록 도와줍니다.


Slice는 (강철보다 훨씬 단단한 원재료인) 100% 산화 지르코늄 디버링 블레이드를 사용하며, 특수 세라믹의 경도를 극대화하기 위한 두꺼운 디자인을 채용하고 있습니다. 더불어, Slice 세라믹 날은 스파크를 유발하지 않고, 자성을 띠지 않으며, 전기가 흐르지 않고, 절대 녹슬지 않습니다. 날 교체에는 어떠한 도구도 필요하지 않습니다.

  • 설치된 날 유형: 볼록형 #10483
  • 안전캡이 설치된 튼튼한 나일론 핸들
  • 양손 모두를 위한 디자인
  • 핸들에 추가 블레이드 보관 가능
  • 두꺼운 블레이드로 효율적인 디버링 작업이 가능
  • 스파크 비유발, 비자성, 비전도 날
  • 화학 반응을 유발하지 않아 녹슬지 않는 날
  • 오일 및 윤활유 무첨가 블레이드
  • 100% 산화 지르코늄 블레이드
  • 호환되는 블레이드: 10483, 10484
  • 블레이드 교체에 도구 불필요
  • SKU #10482

Great for:

  • Finishing the edges of raw-cut sheet metal
  • Trimming the edges of mold-injected plastic
  • Smoothing edges from 3D printing
  • Working with clay in art projects

Cutting Depth:

Material: GFN, POM, PP, zirconium oxide

Dimensions: L 6.48in x W0.91in x H0.34in

Weight: 0.08 lb


A deburring tool is used to remove excess edge material, or burrs, from the raw version of a product. This process creates a finished object from a rough cut so it can work as intended. It also significantly adds to the safety of the finished object, since it removes jagged edges that could cut someone or catch and pull fabric, including clothing. Deburring is a vital process for manufacturing many different goods made from a host of different materials. Use cases include:
  • Finishing the edges of raw-cut sheet metal
  • Trimming the edges of mold-injected plastic
  • Removing excess strings of polymer left on a 3D-printed object
  • Smoothing the edges of machine components so they’ll fit together properly once assembled
This finishing process is extremely common in industrial manufacturing, but also has its place in hobbies such as model making and at-home 3D printing. While manufacturers often have deburring machines for finishing standardized products, working on a custom piece with detailed finishing requirements calls for hand deburring tools. Deburring by hand offers the most control over the finished product and is therefore the choice of craftspeople or manufacturers for whom quality control is a priority.
Deburring tools all do the same thing, whether they’re automated or handheld, and regardless of which method is used (thermal deburring, tumbling, vibrating, grinding, or filing). They remove unwanted material from an object, specifically at its edges, in order to create a smooth finish. Typically, the removal happens by creating friction in order to chip or sand off burrs. For very small objects, it’s often enough to tumble or vibrate them in a machine, sometimes with the aid of a wet or gritty medium.

The tool offered by Slice is designed as a hand tool for a more custom approach. Like many other deburring devices, it relies on friction. The user essentially scrapes away at a rough edge, removing burrs and smoothing the finish. While sanding, which is a similar process, removes excess material on a flat plane, handheld tools for deburring allow a great deal of precision and maneuverability.
A ceramic deburring tool differs from a traditional one because it uses a ceramic material for the blade. This won’t be the kind of ceramic you find in your dish cupboard, though. Advanced ceramics are engineered to be extremely hard. Depending on the composition of the ceramic, it can be much harder than steel and therefore offer a great advantage when deburring metal. In addition, ceramic is chemically inert and thus is easy to clean and will never rust.
Slice uses only 100 percent zirconium oxide, an extremely hard advanced ceramic material with no impurities to weaken its structure. This blade is housed in a sturdy but lightweight glass-filled nylon handle with a slim profile that allows maneuverability for awkward angles. Because our blades are so hard, you’ll be replacing them less often than you would a metal blade, but when you do replace an old blade, no extra tools are required. Slice makes two different blade styles: convex and concave. Each shape offers different angles and with extra blade storage in the 10482’s handle, it’s easy to carry both styles to switch quickly in the middle of a job. The Slice tool also comes with a safety cap that conveniently fits on the end of the handle so it won’t get lost while you’re working.
To change the blade in the 10482, first remove the safety cap. On the back of the handle, you’ll find an orange button. Press this button down while at the same time pulling the orange end away from the grey handle sheath. Slide the sheath off the orange interior piece. The blade is held securely by the orange interior piece but can be removed easily by pulling it out of its housing. Then simply push the new blade into the housing. Slide the grey sheath back over the housing so that the orange button clicks into place and you’re ready to go. Spare blades snap in tightly to the rectangular indentation in the middle of the orange casing piece. As with all Slice items, the 10482 Deburring Tool is a well-designed, well-crafted addition to your toolkit.