안전 칼날
SKU #00200
Slice®의 00200 안전 커터는 지금까지 매우 사랑 받고 있는 Slice 최초의 공구들 중 하나입니다. 처음엔 빠르게 포장용 테이프 및 소매품 포장을 빠르게 뜯어줄 수 있는 가정용 제품으로 시작했지만 이젠 세계적으로 산업용으로 역시 널리 쓰이고 있습니다. 마이크로 세라믹 칼날은 얇은 재료를 효과적으로 절단하는 한편 저희의 finger-friendly® 기술로 안전하게 손가락을 보호합니다. 이 안전 커터의 목줄용 구멍과 내장 자석으로 언제나 간편한 휴대성 역시 빠뜨리지 않았습니다.
- 칼날 유형: 마이크로 세라믹
- 내장 자석 및 열쇠고리용 구멍
- 미끄러짐 방지용 고무 마감재
- 양손잡이 모두를 위한 디자인
- Finger-friendly® 기술로 효과적인 절단
- 부상 및 비용 절감
- 비 스파크, 비전도성, 비자성 칼날
- 절대 녹슬지 않으며 화학적으로 불활성인 날
- 오일 및 윤활유 없는 날
- 100% 산화 지르코늄 칼날
- 금속보다 11.2배까지 오래 가는 칼날
- SKU #00200
Great for:
- Slicing food packaging
- Opening boxes, packages and envelopes
- Opening difficult clamshell and blister packaging
- Cutting shrink wrap, bags, labels and tape
- People with arthritis
Product Specifications
Product Specifications
Cutting Depth:
Material: ABS, NdFeB magnet, zirconium oxide
Dimensions: L
Weight: 0.02 lb x W x H

What Customers Are Saying
I purchased my first safety cutter around 2012. It still works like new. What is so phenomenal about this tool is the fact that it will easily and cleanly cut across any heavy tape to open boxes; however, you can run it across your hand and not feel anything. Amazing and it makes a great gift.
Sarah Clark
I LOVE my safety cutter! Since it is magnetic I leave it on my fridge and use it all the time. I even bought a bunch as Christmas presents for my family. It's inexpensive and a wonderful product.
Laura M.
The perfect stocking stuffer! Everyone loved them and they are all actually using them! Also- the best customer service. Had a shipping issue and they sent the shipment fed ex as to arrive by our early holiday date!
Jalane L.
Safety Cutter
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What Is a Safety Cutter?
In broad terms, safety cutters are any type of cutting tool that include safety features. At Slice®, the Safety Cutter is a specific product with a unique mouse-like shape and comfortable feel, and a micro-ceramic blade designed to cut thin materials while safeguarding the user against injuries.
What Is a Safety Cutter Used For? Is This a Safety Box Cutter?
While the Slice Safety Cutter can be used as a pocket box cutter that easily handles packing tape on boxes, it has some unique features that also make it ideal for other applications. Our customers use the safety cutter for plastic wrap, as a box opener, to clip coupons, and for endless industrial applications. Read here how McGowan Water Conditioning opens a semi truck’s worth of salt bags every week with the Safety Cutter.
How Does the Safety Cutter Improve on Existing Safety Knives?
Many tools, such as most safety box cutters, rely solely on their handle design to prevent injuries. With Slice, the safety is in the blade. We use a 100 percent zirconium oxide blade (much harder than steel). This allows us to create a finger-friendly®, touchable edge that cuts effectively and retains its edge 11 times longer than steel blades. Whether you’re looking to improve your box cutter safety or to have an all-purpose tool for the home or workplace, the Slice Safety Cutter is a versatile and innovative option.