NaN / -Infinity


SKU #10477

Slice®罩得住安全开箱刀是一款设计上相当独特的刀具,非常适合双手不灵活或戴着工作手套的人使用。其圆形的大刀柄可让您舒适地握在手中,并进行直切或平切作业。用食指按下橙色按钮以收起刀片保护罩。然后,将刀具直接平压在切割平面上,拉动刀具以进行切割。一旦 10477 罩得住安全开箱刀离开所切割表面,其刀片保护罩便会重新展开,以确保不会在使用者手滑时发生危险。


与所有Slice刀具一样,罩得住安全开箱刀采用独特安全刀片,有着触碰时不易割手的特性,既安全又能利落地切割,更棒的是,其使用寿命较钢制刀片长上 11 倍。罩得住安全开箱刀标配圆弧形刀尖安全刀片(10526),若所切割材料一开始需要先行穿刺,也可选用尖形刀尖的刀片(10528)代替。

  • 已安装刀片类型:圆弧形刀尖#10526
  • 附有刀片保护罩的超耐用尼龙刀柄
  • 自动弹簧回缩机制,增添更多安全性
  • 刀柄符合人体工学设计,有助于减少手部劳损
  • 双手通用设计
  • 刀柄上附有挂绳孔
  • 采用独特的安全刀片,既安全又能利落地切割
  • 减少伤害,降低成本
  • 无火花、不导电、无磁性刀片
  • 刀片为化学堕性材质,具不生锈特性
  • 刀片无需上保养油,润滑油
  • 刀片100%由氧化锆陶瓷制成
  • 刀片保持锋利时间较金属刀片长11 倍
  • 更换刀片次数越少 = 伤害越少
  • 兼容刀片:10526, 10528
  • 更换刀片无需使用工具
  • SKU编号 #10477

Great for:

  • Opening cardboard boxes
  • Cutting tape
  • DIY projects
  • Using while wearing with gloves

Cutting Depth: 0.47英寸

Material: GFN, PC, POM, stainless steel, carbon steel, zirconium oxide

Dimensions: L 3.54英寸 x W3.54英寸 x H0.98英寸

Weight: 0.21 lb
  • I really love how safe this is for cutting packaging. It's easy to use and to store. I like that the blade can't cut you with the safety shield, but I've never had a ceramic blade cut through my skin yet. These work long and hard, and we put them through a lot of work!


  • Like many people, the number of deliveries received at m house has exploded over the last year and sometimes it is impossible to keep up with all the boxes. I wanted a device that could help shave some time off breaking down all my boxes on a weekly basis. When I saw the Super Safe Carton Cutter I decided to give it a try. I will never live without one of these again! It works awesome. It is simple to use. Just push down the button, press against your box, and it cuts for you. It easily cuts through the tape and the box itself if you need. The nice part is, there is almost zero chance you hurt yourself in the process!


  • easy to use, cuts boxes in seconds
