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수동식 실뜯개

SKU #10596

Slice® 10596 수동식 실뜯개는 완전 수축된, 일부 드러난, 완전히 드러난 세 가지의 지정된 날 위치를 제공합니다. 이 교체 가능한 날은 화학적인 반응을 일으키지 않고, 절대 녹슬지 않으며, 유사 강철 날보다 11배까지 오래 갑니다. 설치된 Finger-friendly® 날은 닿아도 안전하며 실이나 직물이 오염되지 않도록 청소가 용이하게 고안되었습니다. 견고한 강화 나일론으로 만들어진 가벼운 핸들은 편안하고 쉬운 사용을 위해 디자인 되었으며, 사용 중이 아닐 때에도 10596을 편리하게 휴대할 수 있도록 목줄용 구멍이 있습니다. 날 교체를 위해 별다른 공구가 필요하지 않습니다.

  • 설치된 날 유형: 둥근 칼끝
  • 견고한 나일론 핸들 
  • 양손 모두를 위한 디자인 
  • 호환되는 칼날: 10536, 10537
  • 금속보다 11배 오래 가는 Finger-friendly® 
  • 화학적 반응을 일으키지 않아 녹슬지 않는 날
  • 스파크 비유발, 비전도성, 비자성 날
  • 오일 및 윤활유 미사용 날
  • 부상 및 비용 절감
  • 별다른 공구가 필요 없는 날 교체
  • SKU #10596

Great for:

  • Removing stitches from a variety of crafts
  • Creating detailed artwork
  • Using for long periods of time

Cutting Depth: 0.59in

Material: GFN, POM, stainless steel, carbon steel, zirconium oxide

Dimensions: L 5.75in x W0.8in x H0.33in

Weight: 0.07 lb


  • Blade Replacement for Slice Seam Rippers


The seam ripper definition extends, in a sense, to any tool that can cut stitches to open a seam. This is useful for any sewer that makes the occasional mistake (which is every sewer), as it allows the seam to be resewn without tearing the fabric. In addition to being a seam cutter, seam ripper uses also include doing detailed work in any fiber art, including removing individual stitches in crafts such as embroidery, leatherwork, and cross stitch. Seam ripper blades slide into stitches smoothly without pulling excessively at the surrounding fabric.
We considered the question, “what does a seam ripper look like?” with fresh eyes and redesigned the handle and blade for a safer, more ergonomic seam ripper. Of course, we used our finger-friendly® blade edge to ensure that, while our seam cutter slices thread effectively, it’s safe to the touch and unlikely to cut skin. This safety feature is especially important when ripping out a long seam, as hand muscles get tired over time and that’s when accidents tend to happen.

Our 10596 and 10597 tools come with a rounded-tip 10536 blade installed, providing extra protection against accidental punctures. For those who prefer, a 10537 pointed-tip blade is available separately. Both blades are concave, with a tapered tip that slides between stitches and cuts thread easily without pulling on delicate surrounding fabric. In this way, the seam can be replaced without leaving unsightly gaps where the old stitches once were.

Our 10596 and 10597 handles are lightweight and ergonomic for easier handling and feature a lanyard hole to keep the tool close by while you work. Users can be assured of the durability of the handles, as they’re constructed from sturdy reinforced nylon and are designed for industrial use.