NaN / -Infinity


SKU #10593

Slice® 10593自动回弹型多用途铲刀是我们另一款使用独特安全刀刃技术的安全刀具。它装配着圆形刀尖的10526安全美工刀片,有着既坚固又符合人体工学的强化尼龙刀柄,以及贴心的柔软舒适握把。相较于我们多用途安全铲刀(手动型), 自动回弹型的铲刀通常需要用到大拇指持续推压着滑动按钮,保持刀片能裸露在外,以进行切割作业,因此可能会造成手部相当程度的肌肉疲劳。Slice透过采用能有效降低疲劳的(SureScrape)舒适刮滑动按钮,解决了这个问题,使用者也不再为要选择较安全还是较舒适的刀具而感到苦恼了!如同其它所有Slice安全陶瓷刀片,10593自动回弹多用途安全铲刀使用的刀片一样有着无需保养油及润滑油、具化学堕性及不生锈的特性。

  • (SureScrape)舒适刮滑动按钮,可有效降低手部肌肉疲劳
  • 已安装刀片: #10526 圆弧形刀尖
  • 耐用玻璃填充尼龙结构及舒适手感的柔软握把
  • 双手通用设计 
  • 使用独特的安全刀片,使用寿命较钢制刀片长11.2倍
  • 更换刀片次数越少 = 伤害越少
  • 减少伤害,降低成本
  • 无火花、不导电、无磁性刀片
  • 刀片为化学堕性材质,具不生锈特性
  • 刀片无需上保养油,润滑油
  • 兼容刀片: 10526, 10528
  • 更换刀片无需使用工具
  • SKU编号 #10593

Great for:

  • Scraping away paint, rust and adhesives
  • Removing stickers, tape and wallpaper

Cutting Depth:

Material: GFN, TPEE, POM, carbon steel, zirconium oxide

Dimensions: L 5.37英寸 x W2.88英寸 x H0.9英寸

Weight: 0.19 lb


  • Auto-Retractable Utility Scraper
  • Blade Replacement on Slice Utility Scrapers


Every so often a design comes along that’s so intuitive, it feels natural—even familiar. SureScrape is one of those innovations that quietly does its job so well that you won’t even notice it’s there. It’s a design solution to a common problem with auto-retractable scrapers.

In contrast to an auto-retract knife, where a user holds the slider to expose the blade, then pulls the blade through the material to cut it, an auto-retract scraper requires the user to extend the blade then push against the material. This causes hand strain, as the thumb must both hold the slider and absorb the pressure of the scraping motion. It’s not noticeable at first, but over time that pressure strains the thumb and makes the tool difficult to use.

Slice looked at this problem with fresh eyes and created a mechanism that, when the scraper is in use, absorbs much of the excess pressure, giving the user’s hand a break. SureScrape doesn’t interfere with the spring-loaded retraction once the slider is released, so users no longer have to choose between safety and usability. Slice’s innovative design—we’re the first company with such a mechanism—improves ergonomics and safety at the same time.