NaN / -Infinity


SKU #10591

Slice® 10591 多用途安全铲刀将有着我们独特安全设计,具不生锈特性的刀刃引进了工业铲刀的世界。Slice的铲刀将我们10526(圆弧形刀尖)和10528(尖形刀尖)的安全美工刀片装配在坚固的刀柄上,确保刀片使用上的稳定性及舒适度,让使用者可安全地进行刮削动作。这款多用途铲刀设计有耐用的玻璃填充尼龙结构及舒适手感的柔软握把,可让您在进行数小时的刮削作业时,帮您减少手部肌肉疲劳。刀柄设计有2个预设的刀片位置,可以在不使用工具时收起刀片,保护刀片及使用者。

  • 已安装刀片: 圆弧形刀尖
  • 耐用玻璃填充尼龙结构及舒适手感的柔软握把
  • 双手通用设计 
  • 兼容刀片: 10526, 10528
  • 使用独特的安全刀片,使用寿命较钢制刀片长11.2倍
  • 刀片为化学堕性材质,具不生锈特性
  • 无火花、不导电、无磁性刀片
  • 刀片无需上保养油,润滑油
  • 减少伤害,降低成本
  • 更换刀片无需使用工具
  • SKU编号 #10591

Great for:

  • Scraping stickers, rust, and debris
  • Removing paint from wood
  • Clearing away wallpaper, residue, and adhesives
  • DIY household projects

Cutting Depth:

Material: GFN, TPEE, POM, zirconium oxide

Dimensions: L 5.37英寸 x W2.88英寸 x H0.9英寸

Weight: 0.18 lb


  • Manual Utility Scraper
  • Blade Replacement on Slice Utility Scrapers


A standard flat-bladed utility scraper uses a standard (read: dangerously oversharpened) steel utility blade, or even a razor blade. But like standard steel cutting tools, the metal blade wears down quickly. Users are often left with a blade that’s too sharp or too dull, both dangerous in their own way.

Advanced ceramics last much longer than steel, but other ceramic scraper manufacturers still use an unnecessarily sharp blade. So while their blades may not dull quickly, they still start out dangerously sharp.

Slice® blades have a unique finger-friendly® edge that’s sharp enough to be effective, but still safe to the touch. This allows companies who use Slice to reduce injuries and lower costs.
We can’t speak for any other ceramic scraper on the market, but Slice scrapers are sturdy and take advantage of our thicker blade to absorb pressure without breaking. Remember, we use 100 percent zirconium oxide—which is much harder than steel—not typical kitchen ceramics, which are prone to shattering. And while our blades will eventually break if they’re subjected to a side load, the design of a scraper doesn’t allow this because the pressure is absorbed across the length of the blade.
On the top of our ceramic scraper, you’ll see an orange slider button, which is used to set the blade position. As part of that mechanism, there is a small tab with the image of a lock engraved in it.

First, set the handle to the exposed blade position. Then, press downward on the “lock” tab so that it won’t catch on the dark grey handle. At the same time, push the slider as far forward as it can go. Your blade should now be fully exposed and easy to lift off the orange blade holder. Simply remove the current blade and replace it with a new 10526 or 10528 blade, lining up the blade notch so it sits in the holder. Then press on the slider mechanism again and pull the blade all the way back into the housing.