Manuell mini-skrapa
SKU #10594
Slice® 10594 Manuell mini-skrapa använder ett tunnare, smalare blad än våra större verktygsskrapor. Det är ett kompakt verktyg - perfekt för att arbeta i små områden eller trånga utrymmen med besvärliga vinklar. Mycket hårdare och mer slitstark än metall, Slice finger-friendly® zirkoniumoxid säkerhetsblad reducerar skador och sänker kostnader. Den här skrapans hållbara nylonhandtag med ett texturerat skjutreglage passar bekvämt i din hand. Bladet dras helt in i höljet när ditt verktyg inte används och rostar aldrig. Installerat blad med rundad tipp skyddar mot oavsiktlig punktering. Slice erbjuder valfritt blad med spetsig tipp eller kant.
- Bladtyp: rundad tipp #10524
- Slitstarkt nylonhandtag med texturerat skjutreglage
- Manuell tillbakadragning med 1 skrapläge
- Tvåhänt design
- Finger-friendly® blad, skrapar effektivt
- Reducerar skador, sänker kostnader
- Icke-gnistande, icke-ledande, icke-magnetiskt blad
- Kemiskt inert blad, rostar aldrig
- Olje- och smörjfritt blad
- 100 procent zirkoniumoxid blad
- Bladkanten varar upp till 11,2x längre än metall
- Färre ändringar av blad = färre skador
- Kompatibla blad: 10524, 10525, 10523
- Kräver inga verktyg för byte av blad
- SKU # 10594
Great for:
- Scraping wallpaper, glue, stickers, paint, residue, and adhesives
- Working with challenging angles and small surfaces
- DIY household projects
Product Specifications
Product Specifications
Cutting Depth:
Material: GFN, POM, carbon steel, zirconium oxide
Dimensions: L
Weight: 0.06 lb x W x H

Manual Mini Scraper
Blade Replacement on the 10594 Manual Mini Scraper
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Will it Work as a Mini Glass Scraper?
The key is to hold the tool properly, so that the blade is completely flush. Both corners of the blade should be touching the glass work surface every time you scrape or exert pressure. If one corner of the blade lifts while you’re scraping, pressure will be uneven and you’ll risk scratching the glass below—remember; our blades are harder than glass and can scratch it.
When used properly, Slice’s 10594 is a superior mini glass scraper: it’s stronger, safer, and the blades last much longer than standard metal scraper blades.
Where Else Can I Use the Mini Scraper?
Whether you use the 10594 as a mini plastic scraper, a mini paint scraper, or any other kind of scraper, it’s important to use the same precautions as you would with a glass surface: hold the blade flush, with both corners down, to keep even pressure and avoid accidentally scratching the surface below.
Always remember to fully retract your blade between uses. This protects you and the tool. While Slice blades are safer than traditional blades, any blade can cut and must be treated with respect.
How Do I Change the Blade?
Once the latch is unlocked, pull the tool’s front and back panels apart to reveal the inside of the housing. The blade is held in place by a small notch, which fits into the hole in the center of the blade. Remove the old blade and replace the new one, ensuring that the notch fits snugly into the blade’s hole. Put the front and back panels together again—this is easier to do if the slider is retracted so that the blade is fully inside the housing. Ensure that the panels fit together snugly before sliding the top latch back into the closed (centered) position once more.
What Type of Mini Scraper Blades Are Available for the 10594?
How Do I Clean the Mini Scraper Blades?
No matter what you choose, cleaning and handling Slice blades is safer than cleaning traditional blades, due to our proprietary finger-friendly® blade edge. We offer more general information in this video about cleaning Slice blades. While our safety blades have superior wear resistance compared to metal blades (they last up to 11 times longer), it’s recommended that you clean your mini scraper after each use, as you would any tool, to keep it in good working order.