Auto-infällbar universalkniv
SKU #10554
Slice® 10554 Auto-infällbar universalkniv är vårt svar på kundernas efterfrågan på ett långt blad som kan skära igenom tjocka material, inklusive treskikts kartong. Det keramiska säkerhetsbladet på denna universalkniv dras tillbaka själv när du är klar med ditt skärande för att skyddar dig från skador. Vrid bladet snabbt och utan verktyg för att justera för höger eller vänsterhänt användning. Liksom alla våra keramiska blad är det infällbara bladet icke-ledande, kemiskt inert och rostar aldrig.
- Handtagstyp: auto-infällbar
- Hållbart glasfyllt handtag i nylon
- Kompatibla blad: 10526, 10528
- Finger-friendly® kant förblir vass 11x längre
- Reducerar skador, sänker kostnader
- Icke-gnistrande, icke-ledande blad
- Innehåller 1 dubbelsidigt rundat säkerhetsblad
- Tvåhänt design
- Lanyard hål håller verktyget till hands
- Inga verktyg behövs för byte av blad
- SKU # 10554
Great for:
- Opening, cutting and disassembling boxes
- Cutting tape and banding
- Slicing plastic wrap and super sacks
Product Specifications
Product Specifications
Cutting Depth:
Material: GFN, POM, stainless steel, carbon steel, zirconium oxide
Dimensions: L
Weight: 0.21 lb x W x H

Auto-Retractable Utility Knife
How to Cut Ceiling Tile: Safety First
How to Cut Corrugated Plastic Sheets Using Slice Tools
How To Cut Mylar Stencils
How To Cut PVC Roof Membrane With Slice Tools
Cutting Ram Board®
How to Cut Visqueen Reinforced Plastic
How To Cut Window Screen Using Slice Tools
Blade Replacement for Slice Utility Knives
What Is a Utility Knife Used For?
A utility knife is used to cut a wide variety of materials at home and in the workplace. Popular utility knife uses include opening packaging and cutting light construction materials such as insulation, foam, or rubber. Industrial applications vary widely. As the name suggests, a utility knife is a multipurpose tool.
Why Use a Retractable Blade Knife?
Retractable blades were the first major utility knife safety enhancement. When you're in the middle of a project, it's convenient to leave your knife's blade exposed so you can pick it up and use it immediately. But when (not if) you get interrupted or leave for a break, it's just as easy to forget and leave that blade exposed. This leads to accidents. A retractable safety utility knife solves this problem by automatically retracting the blade when the knife is not in use.
Is a Ceramic Utility Knife Breakable?
Slice blades are made of 100 percent zirconium oxide, second only to diamonds in hardness and much harder than stainless steel. Our utility knife blades are also thicker than steel blades and therefore much less likely to snap in two. Depending on your cutting material, abrasion may cause micro chips in the blade edge, but the overall performance of the blade won't be affected by this.
What Can I Cut With the Slice Auto-Retractable Utility Knife?
Slice utility knife blades can handle the same materials as steel utility knives. Our utility knives are compatible with two different blade-tip styles: rounded and pointed. Both styles are 24 mm long, allowing you to cut through thick materials like triple-walled corrugated. The 10554 ships with the 10526 rounded blade. For most applications, the rounded tip is safer. However, when you need to initiate your cut with a piercing action, such as with plastic wrap, plastic banding, fabric, or drywall, we recommend the 10528 pointed-tip blade.
How Often Do I Need to Replace the Blade?
Because we use extremely hard zirconium oxide, Slice blades retain their edge up to 10 times longer than steel. This means you'll need to replace your blade 10 times less often than you would with a typical utility knife. Our utility knife blades are also reversible, so once you're ready for a fresh cutting edge, you can just switch the position of your existing blade. That's why one Slice blade can replace up to 20 single-sided steel blades.