SKU #10534
Slice® 10534 Mejselblad kombinerar vår finger-friendly® slipning med exceptionellt hållbar zirkoniumoxid för en stabil, exakt och säker skrapyta. Dessa blad är perfekta för detaljerat arbete och är kompatibla med de flesta Slice hantverksknivar och Skalpellhandtag. Eftersom bladen är kemiskt inerta, lämpliga för autoklav och inte leder elektricitet, så är de ett idealiskt val för elektroniktillverkare eller laboratorier. Liksom all Slice säkerhetskeramik är de säkra vid beröring och håller upp till 11 gånger längre än jämförbara metallblad.
- Bladtyp: mejsel
- Säkrare än traditionella blad
- Finger-friendly® kant skrapar effektivt
- Varar upp till 11,2x längre än stålmejslar
- Färre ändringar av blad = färre skador
- Reducerar skador, sänker kostnader
- Icke-gnistrande, icke-ledande, icke-magnetisk
- Kemiskt inert, rostar aldrig
- Fri från olja och smörjmedel
- Kräver ingen behållare för vassa föremål
- 100% återvinningsbart
- Bladet är säkert upp till 1600°C
- Kompatibla handtag: 10548, 10589, 10568
- 4 enkelkantiga blad per förpackning
- SKU # 10534
Great for:
- Detailed arts and crafts
- Scraping smaller surfaces
- Manipulating laboratory samples
- Precise electronics activity
Product Specifications
Product Specifications
Cutting Depth:
Material: zirconium oxide
Dimensions: L
Weight: 0.02 lb x W x HVideos
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What Are Chisel Blades Made From?
Traditionally, chisels are made from a metal such as tempered steel. While the angles may vary, the blade edges are typically bevelled, allowing for a thinner point of contact on an otherwise thick blade. This allows the user to exert a fair bit of force on the chisel, either by hand for detailed work, or with a mallet for larger scale chiselling. It also wears down the edge over time, meaning anyone working with steel should know how to sharpen chisel blades.
Slice safety ceramics—made from 100 percent zirconium oxide—last up to 11 times longer than steel, so it’s unlikely you’ll need to sharpen your Slice blade any time soon. Even if you could (our blades are sharpened on diamond wheels), we don’t recommend sharpening our blades because you won’t be able to achieve our safer finger-friendly® edge at home.
Slice safety ceramics—made from 100 percent zirconium oxide—last up to 11 times longer than steel, so it’s unlikely you’ll need to sharpen your Slice blade any time soon. Even if you could (our blades are sharpened on diamond wheels), we don’t recommend sharpening our blades because you won’t be able to achieve our safer finger-friendly® edge at home.
How Easily Do Slice Chisels Break?
In order to achieve our safer finger-friendly grind, we use a thicker blade than most steel blades, and a material that’s much harder than steel. For this reason, our blades are very strong when used properly. In the case of chisels, as long as the blade is used to scrape or push materials, it’s very unlikely to break. If you subject the blade to a side load, it may break as it’s not designed for this kind of pressure. But then, no chisel is. As far as shattering, advanced ceramics are extremely unlikely to shatter when dropped. Read more about this in our FAQ: Do Slice Ceramic Safety Blades Break Easily?
Which Slice Handles Are Compatible With the Chisel Blades?
Our blades are made for precision chiselling and are therefore compatible with most of our precision knife handles. The 10534 blades work with our 10568 scalpel and our 10548 and 10589 craft handles. Because of the slot angle, these blades are not compatible with the 10580 Precision Knife.