Auto-infällbar mini-skärare
SKU #10514
Slice® 10514 Mini-skärare fungerar utmärkt som en kartongkniv, en fickkniv eller ett kökverktyg med flera ändamål. Den minskar risken för skador kraftigt, och tack vare den inbyggda magneten kan du alltid ha verktyget till hands. Den här kniven levereras med ett utbytbart 10404 säkerhetsblad med rundad tipp. Slice 10514 har en tvåhänt design; vänsterhänta användare behöver bara flytta bladet i motsatt spår för att kunna skära. Det lilla skärbladet är icke-gnistrande, kemiskt inert och rostar aldrig. Precis som med alla Slice-blad så håller det upp till 11x längre än stål.
- Bladtyp: rundad tipp
- Automatisk fjäderbelastade tillbakadragning för ökad säkerhet
- Tvåhänt design: Byt bladspår för vänsterhänt användning
- Finger-friendly® blad, skär effektivt
- Reducerar skador, sänker kostnader
- Icke-gnistande, icke-ledande, icke-magnetiskt blad
- Kemiskt inert blad, rostar aldrig
- Fri från olja och smörjmedel
- 100 procent zirkoniumoxidblad
- Bladkanten håller upp till 11,2x längre än metall
- Kompatibla blad: 10404, 10408
- Inga verktyg behövs för byte av blad
- SKU # 10514
Great for:
- Opening cardboard boxes and packages
- Cutting film
- Cutting painter’s tape
Product Specifications
Product Specifications
Cutting Depth:
Material: ABS, POM, stainless steel, NdFeB magnet, zirconium oxide
Dimensions: L
Weight: 0.04 lb x W x H

What Customers Are Saying
These little things are amazing. They fit right in an employee badge holder and are always there when you need them. Everyone at work wants one and I learned the hard way not to lay it down and forget because if you go back 5 minutes later, it's gone for sure!!!!
Linda T.
Great little cutter to keep handy. It slices through clamshell packing as easily as opening a cardboard box. I've given them as gifts and everyone loves them.
David F.
It's honestly one of those little things that improve your daily life that you don't notice. It MAGNETS, so I keep it on the side of a radiator right next to the door. You always know where to find it, easy to grab, easy to use. Apparently I've had it for 5yrs and it still cuts great.
Mini Cutter
Mini Cutter Blade Replacement
How To Cut Painter’s Tape Using Slice Tools
What Is a Mini Cutter Used For? Is This a Mini Box Cutter?
What is the best pocket knife for me?
Next, look at the depth of the cut you require and make sure that your knife can handle it. As a general safety principle, you should never expose more blade than you need to do the job. This reduces the chance of injuries and damaged materials (especially when opening packaging). The third consideration is handle shape and size, and this depends largely on personal preference. The Slice 10514 Mini Cutter works as a handy ceramic pocket knife that can handle most materials, including clamshell packaging and double-walled corrugated.
The Slice 10514 Mini Cutter’s Blade Change Mechanism
When you look up how to put a blade in a box cutter, you’ll see a nightmarish list of options including complex multi-step processes and dangerous snap-off blades. The Slice Mini Cutter’s no-tool blade change is straightforward. Simply slide the lock mechanism into the unlocked postion (marked on the back of the tool) and lift off the back of the housing. Pull the small cutter blade out and either flip it over for a fresh edge or put in a new blade, ensuring that the notches in the blade and housing line up. For left-handed users, switch the blade into the second blade slot. Replace the backing and slide the mechanism back into a locked position. Now you’re ready to use this amazing small cutter again!